Grizzly Bear Viewing Tours at Knight Inlet Lodge, Glendale Cove, BC, Canada


04 March 2021

2021 season update

Posted by:editor
Over the past year, the team at Knight Inlet Lodge has worked tirelessly planning to host our guests in 2021. Because the safety and health are the highest priority to us, we have been diligent in following recommendations from public health and government authorities, including respecting travel advisories. Our current operational protocols and policies are also based on those recommendations.
23 December 2020

Goodbye 2020

Posted by:editor

It is almost time to say goodbye to what only can be described as a very tough year. Knight Inlet Lodge is looking forward to closing the page on 2020 and to once again be hosting guests at our lodge starting in May of 2021. While no one can be sure of exactly what the first few months of 2021 will be like there is hope that International travel to Canada will once again be possible at some point. When that day arrives, we intend to be ready to show off the grizzly bears of Knight Inlet in a safe and responsible manner. 

13 November 2020

Facial recognition for grizzly bears

Posted by:admin

Dr. Melanie Clapham continues to get a lot of interest in her grizzly bear facial recognition project. Here is a link to a story in the New York Times about what she has been up to. Knight Inlet Lodge is very proud to be  a long term partner in this project as we have provided both financial and logistical support to Dr. Clapham since the beginning.

07 November 2020

Grizzly bear ID project

Posted by:editor

Knight Inlet Lodge is proud to be a long term financial and logistical supporter of the ground-breaking Grizzly Bear Id project. If you have visited the lodge over the past decade you may well have met Dr. Clapham as Knight Inlet Lodge was her home away from home for large parts of our season.

06 August 2020

Covid - 19 protocols- our commitment to you

Posted by:editor


Knight Inlet Lodge COVID-19 Statement 

Knight Inlet Lodge is committed to ensuring the safety of our guests and staff. Some of the measures that we will be enacting include the following. Please know that all parts of our plan will be modified as and when required.

13 June 2020

Covid-19 and Knight Inlet Lodge

Posted by:editor


Covid-19 for our 2020 season- what we know

Hello Friends of Knight Inlet Lodge;

First and foremost, we here at Knight Inlet Lodge hope that this announcement finds you and your loved ones healthy and safe.

As we adjust daily and weekly to the ongoing COVID-19 related uncertainty, we truly appreciate the understanding and cooperation that we’re receiving from our guests, staff, travel partners, and our Knight Inlet Lodge friends.

21 December 2019

Research & Conservation

Posted by:editor

British Columbia’s Leading Bear Viewing Companies Financially Supporting Bear Conservation

Dec. 20th, 2019 – Black Creek, BC - Knight Inlet Lodge would like to congratulate British Columbia’s Commercial Bear Viewing Association (CVBA) membership, which are the leading bear-viewing operators in the province, for raising $114,000.00 for bear conservation in 2019.

30 September 2017

Remote motion sensor cameras at Knight Inlet Lodge

Posted by:editor

Knight Inlet Lodge installed a number of remote cameras for the 2017 season. They are sprinkled throughout Glendale Cove and area in locations we know the grizzlies tend to travel.

So far the cameras have collected some great footage of grizzly bears, cougars, wolves, deer, Naturalist Guides and of course unsuspecting Knight Inlet Lodge guests!

29 March 2017

About Knight Inlet Lodge and its guests

Posted by:editor

Knight Inlet Lodge is truly an international business with over 92% of or guests coming from outside of North America. In 2017 alone we will welcome people from over 20 countries to our lodge. The mix of accents on any given day can be quite something to hear.