Grizzly Bear Viewing Tours at Knight Inlet Lodge, Glendale Cove, BC, Canada


30 March 2010

Knight Inlet Lodge 2010 season fast approaching

Posted by:thelodge

With just over 7 weeks until Knight Inlet Lodge opens things are really starting to happen! The first fuel barge of the year has been arranged, boats, lumber, supplies have been delivered to the barge facility for shipping and the first staff are at the lodge working on our fisheries project.  Interviews for the remaining staff positions are ongoing with an eye towards having the last of the staff in place by the end of this week.

18 March 2010

Knight Inlet History

Posted by:thelodge

One of the things I enjoy the most about my job with Knight Inlet Lodge is all the interesting people that I get to meet. Now I say meet but what I really mean is correspond with as very rarely do I get to meet them face to face.

23 January 2010

Grizzly Mom and Cub, Mike and June's blog

Posted by:thelodge

This story and pictures are compliments of Mike and June,  guests in mid August of 2009. They are returning for a second visit in September of 2010.

The bird in the first picture was on the back of the mum and annoying her, each time she made it move, it just flew straight back, pecking at her.

08 January 2010

Hayley Shephard, where is she now?

Posted by:thelodge

Former Knight Inlet Lodge Guide and Caretaker Hayley Shephard is about to embark on the adventure of a lifetime. In an effort to raise awareness on the albatross of South Georgia Island Hayley is endeavouring to kayak around this remote and rugged island. To learn about her expedition and South Georgia Island or to read her blog from her days as a Caretaker at Knight Inlet Lodge.

Good luck Hayley, we'll be watching!

24 December 2009


Posted by:thelodge

Dean & Kathy and the staff of Knight Inlet Lodge would like to wish everyone all the best for the holiday season. Enjoy this time with frineds and family and here's to a fantastic 2010!

Happy Holidays Happy Holidays