Grizzly Bear Viewing Tours at Knight Inlet Lodge, Glendale Cove, BC, Canada

About Knight Inlet Lodge and its guests

About Knight Inlet Lodge and its guests

29 March  

Knight Inlet Lodge is truly an international business with over 92% of or guests coming from outside of North America. In 2017 alone we will welcome people from over 20 countries to our lodge. The mix of accents on any given day can be quite something to hear.

Grizzly bears are a "bucket list" item to people all over the world and a main reason why they decide to visit Canada. The excitement when they see their first bear, often shortly after arrival, is part of what gives Knight Inlet Lodge a unique energy and feel.

A beautiful remote location, interesting variety of guests, great food and of course GRIZZLY BEARS all combine to make Knight Inlet Lodge a wonderful place to visit.