Grizzly Bear Viewing Tours at Knight Inlet Lodge, Glendale Cove, BC, Canada

Covid - 19 protocols- our commitment to you

Covid - 19 protocols- our commitment to you

06 August  


Knight Inlet Lodge COVID-19 Statement 

Knight Inlet Lodge is committed to ensuring the safety of our guests and staff. Some of the measures that we will be enacting include the following. Please know that all parts of our plan will be modified as and when required.

All guests can expect to complete a health and medical questionnaire upon arrival at the Comfort Inn & Suites in Campbell River, this will include questions related to COVID-19 symptoms and exposure. Knight Inlet lodge staff will be required to self-monitor for any COVID-19 symptoms and report to the Lodge Manager daily.

Surfaces & Public Areas

Knight Inlet Lodge will continue to clean all surfaces and public areas, additional cleaning will be completed throughout the day.  Knight Inlet Lodge will be using electrostatic sprayers throughout the lodge to enhance our cleaning process and the safety of our guests and staff.

Hand sanitizing stations will be located throughout the lodge for guests and staff to use.

Tours & Guest Contact

When you arrive at Knight Inlet Lodge you will be required to practice physical distancing when possible, in the event that physical distancing is not possible all staff and guests will be required to wear a non-medical mask or be behind a protective barrier such as plexiglass. Please bring your favorite clean non-medical mask and ensure you have enough for the duration of your stay.

To help reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission Knight Inlet Lodge will be posting signage in all areas of the lodge to remind guests to follow COVID-19 guidelines.


To minimize contact, housekeeping staff will not enter your room during your stay unless requested. Knight Inlet Lodge staff will be happy to provide you with any extra linens that you require. If it is necessary for a staff member from either housekeeping or maintenance to enter your room, they will only do so while the room is empty, and with the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment.

Food Service

Food service at Knight Inlet Lodge will be in line with the British Columbia Public Health Guidelines, the lodge will also closely monitor the recommendations set out by the BC Restaurant & Food Service Association. Knight Inlet Lodge will most likely modify their approach to dinning, this part of our plan will be updated as guidelines and regulations evolve. You can expect to see enhanced cleaning in the dining room along with physical distancing between tables.

Knight Inlet Lodge will monitor and follow COVID-19 guidelines issued by the British Columbia Public Health Officer and update their COVID19 safety plan accordingly as the current situation evolves and new research and recommendations are available.