Grizzly Bear Viewing Tours at Knight Inlet Lodge, Glendale Cove, BC, Canada

Stop The Hunt

Stop The Hunt

17 October  

October 2014

Want to help us "Stop the hunt"?

We are asking guests from years past to send an email to our Provincial Premier Christy Clark,, Provincial Environment Minister Mary Polak, and our local MLA Don McRae,

In your own words please tell them how important seeing grizzly bears in the wild was to your decision to visit British Columbia, where you are from, how much you spent on your holiday (approximate is okay), how long you stayed in British Columbia and why you believe the trophy hunting of grizzlies in British Columbia must end. It is important that you mention Knight Inlet Lodge and Glendale Cove in your email so that, hopefully, when we talk to them they'll listen.

Unlike the survey we recently asked guests from 2012 to participate in this campaign is open to all guests regardless of the year you visited Knight Inlet Lodge. Your help will be greatly appreciated by everyone in the Knight Inlet Lodge team.

If you prefer to send a letter via regular mail the mailing addresses are

Premier Christy Clark, Box 9041 Station PROV GOVT, Victoria B.C., Canada, V8W 9E1,

Minister of the Environment Mary Polak, Box 9047 Station PROV GOVT, Victoria B.C. Canada, V8W 9E2,

Minister of Social Development and Social Innovation Don McRae, Box 9058, Station PROV GOVT, Victoria B.C. Canada, V8W 1X4