Grizzly Bear Viewing Tours at Knight Inlet Lodge, Glendale Cove, BC, Canada

Knight Inlet Lodge and Vancouver Island Air

Knight Inlet Lodge and Vancouver Island Air

10 April  
scenic view from Vancouver Island Air floatplane

scenic view from Vancouver Island Air floatplane

Vancouver Island Air has had the privilege of serving Knight Inlet Lodge since 1998. Ours floatplanes transport guests to Glendale Cove from around the world daily from May to October. Over two thousand guests a year fly in to view the Grizzly Bears and enjoy the many adventures and fine cuisine. Our inquiries as to their experience on the return flight are always met with high praise and excitement for the entire trip. We all enjoy hearing how many bears were spotted or other amazing wildlife, and even sometimes get to see some amazing photos!

DeHavilland Beaver

DeHavilland Beaver