Grizzly Bear Viewing Tours at Knight Inlet Lodge, Glendale Cove, BC, Canada

Important notice from Spirit Of the West regarding proposed logging near Robson Bight

Important notice from Spirit Of the West regarding proposed logging near Robson Bight

22 November  

Re: Proposed clear cut logging activity at Boat Bay, West Cracroft Island

Hello fellow kayak operators, whale watchers, tourism-oriented businesses and users of Johnstone Strait.

We hope you had a good season full of guests, sunshine and wonderful wildlife and wilderness. We know
that we are all probably very ready for a rest after ‘the busy season’, but we write to you now to ask for
your help.

We are sad to say that a large portion of the Boat Bay area on West Cracroft Island is slated for clear
cutting by TimberWest. The area in question borders the newly created Boat Bay Conservancy and
extends down past the east end of the bay, including the forest surrounding the Spirit of the West
basecamp (see attached map).

TimberWest plans to begin road building as early as this winter with logging beginning in 2013. It is
important that we have our voices heard before road building commences and TimberWest invests a
significant amount of money into the blocks.

We at Spirit of the West obviously have a lot at stake if this proposed logging is allowed to go ahead. We
also think that many of you and your operations would be negatively affected by the proposed clear cuts.

The negative environmental impacts aside, it is our position that the noise and disruption of active
logging as well as the visual impact on the landscape will have a detrimental effect on tourism in the
Johnstone Strait area, immediately as well as for many years to come.

We are attempting to make a business case to the provincial government that tourism is a more
profitable and sustainable venture than logging in Johnstone Strait. We know this will take some time
and determination, but when we started crunching numbers it is very obvious that tourism has a lot to
offer. Please note we are not anti-logging, we too depend of the products of forestry, however we feel
that this region is very important for the thriving and incredibly valuable tourism industry.

We have the support of North Vancouver Island MLA Clare Trevena as well as Strathcona Regional
Director Jim Abram who are working as liaisons on our behalf discussing our concerns with various
ministers including Minister of Tourism, Jobs and Innovation Pat Bell.

We are compiling a list of those that we feel would be adversely affected by the logging in this tourism
intensive area. We are then encouraging those folks to compile some brief statistics about the revenues of
their businesses, the employment generated and the possible spin-off effects of tourism in this area and
then forward them onto the people below. When these figures are seen together, it will make an even
stronger case for tourism in the area.

Please take a few minutes to consider sharing these details with government representatives. We know
that disclosing these private details is not something that any of us really like to do, but we need to take a
stand against the logging of this area and let the government know that we provide an economically
viable and sustainable alternative. Please send your information with a letter expressing your position
on the logging to the list of persons below.

We are also hoping for a face to face meeting with Minister of Tourism Pat Bell and would like to be able
to present all of our information in one concise and dramatic package. If you feel comfortable please also
cc Spirit of the West with a copy of your letter and figures about your business’ contribution to tourism in
the area. We will do our best to compile the information and present a strong argument as to the value
and importance of tourism in this region.

We are asking for any help you can contribute to the project. If you prefer to talk about your operations or
the proposed cuts over the phone we would be happy to call or if possible we can also try to visit you. We
know all of you are busy and it seems there is an endless stream of causes that need our attention, but
together we really think we can make a difference in this area of Johnstone Strait that we all depend on.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Breanne Quesnel, John Waibel and Rick Snowdon

Owners, Spirit of the West Adventures

Points to ponder:

. The proposed clear cuts border the Boat Bay Conservancy, set aside to maintain the ecological
integrity and recreation values of the area
. The clear cuts would be directly across from the world famous and ecologically significant Robson
Bight Ecological Reserve
. The clear cuts would be visible for many miles in all directions
. A logging road would be built coming over the top of the island and along the southern side of
West Cracroft to remove the logs, creating significant noise, dust and disruption throughout the
. There is a non-fish bearing stream, but an often-used freshwater source for kayakers and
recreationists in the area proposed to be cut.
. According to TimberWest, the majority of wood harvested from the site would be shipped to
China to be used to make concrete forms (which are often used once and then discarded)
. The average logging rotation in this region is 60 years, so the trees will be harvested and then the
area would not generate any other income or jobs for TimberWest for another 60 years
. Tourism in BC grew faster than the economy as a whole in the last 10 years, and outdoor
adventure/eco-tourism is a “priority product focus” of the BC’s Tourism Strategy (“Gaining the
Edge: A Five-Year Strategy for Tourism in BC”, November 2011)
. “Crown land… is a critical resource for the tourism industry. Outdoor adventure experiences in
pristine natural settings epitomize the BC tourism experience”. Research also shows that BC’s
scenery and outdoor recreation opportunities are the primary reason for visiting BC (“Gaining the
Edge: A Five-Year Strategy for Tourism in BC”, November 2011)
. During the Central Coast Land and Coastal Resource Management planning process the
Broughton Archipelago and Johnstone Strait, including West Cracroft Island, were identified as a
“Destination Area”. The area surrounding our camp is in fact shown as a “Known Feature” (see
. There are trees in this area that are well over 100 years old

Attached and below is a list of people who we think it would be good to send your letters of concern to. I
have included the email addresses for all of the people below in an easy to cut and paste group for
sending via email. If you would like further contact details for the folks mentioned below, please contact

Essential to send your letters to

. Pat Bell, Minister of Tourism, Jobs and
. Claire Trevena, Vancouver Island North
. Steve Thomson, Minister of Forests,
Lands and Natural Resources
. Christy Clark, Premier Province of
British Columbia
. Spencer Chandra Herbert, Critic for
. Terry Lake, Minister of the Environment
. Cairine MacDonald, Deputy Minister of
the Environment
. Rob Fleming, Critic for the Environment
. Breanne Quesnel, owner Spirit of the
West Adventures (campaign

Cut and Paste Email Addresses for Essential Contacts

Pat Bell ,<>, Claire Trevena
<> ,Steve Thomson <>, Christy
Clark <>, Spencer Chandra Herbert <>,
Terry Lake <>, Cairine MacDonald <>,
Rob Fleming <>, Breanne Quesnel <>,

Others you may wish to include depending on where you live and operate your business

Jim Abram, Director of Strathcona Regional District

Heidi Soltau, Director of Mt Waddington Regional District Area A

Phil Wainwright, Director of Mt Waddington Regional District Area B

Norm Prince, Director of Mt Waddington Regional District Area C

David Rushton, Director of Mt Waddington Regional District Area D

Charlie Cornfield, Mayor of Campbell River

Gerry Furney, Mayor of Port McNeill

Bev Parnham, Mayor of Port Hardy

Vic Goodman, CEO River Corp Campbell River