Grizzly Bear Viewing Tours at Knight Inlet Lodge, Glendale Cove, BC, Canada

2016, super grizzly bear viewing

2016, super grizzly bear viewing

09 June  

Our 2016 season is off to a great start with sunny warm days and lot's of grizzly bears for people to view. The 3 top grizzly bear highlights so far are

  1. Bella reappearing with triplets.  Bella2
  2. Lenore & Stella  returning for Stella's second season.
  3. Frank & Amber back and still eating barnacles

Every year we look forward to seeing "our grizzly bears" return for another season. Bella returning with triplets is just icing on the cake as far as we are concerned.  

Video courtesy of grizzly bear researchers Dr. Melanie Clapham and John Kitchin. Photo courtesy of John Kitchin