Pauline and Ian's second visit to Knight Inlet Lodge

grizzly bears
It was with great excitement that we looked forward to our return visit to Knight Inlet in October last year. Having enjoyed “The Grizzly Bear Adventure” with Titan HiTours 2 years earlier we booked the same tour, this time extending our stay at the lodge by an extra 2 nights - what indulgence!
Knowing what to expect did not detract from our anticipation &, as in 2008, we had a truly wonderful time. It was like going to visit old friends - indeed we were recognised by some of the guides & staff (rather worrying!!).
The weather was very different this time - dull & raining almost every day. Did it matter? Certainly not - we were comfortably togged-up in our orange suits & under cover mostly. The Rainforest Walk was rather wet but, nonetheless, thoroughly enjoyable.
The Whale Watching day trip was excellent - the only one of the 5 days when the sun shone & it was beautifully calm on the Johnstone Straits, thankfully. We saw a number of Humpbacks & several very vocal sealions but the pod of Killer Whales was elusive despite the best efforts of our 3 guides.

humpback whale
The main attraction of the holiday was, of course, the Grizzlies. I could quite happily stay at the viewing stands all day watching the bears while they fished the waters & ate their catch, or just lazed on the banks. Twice we were entertained by a sow & one of her twins rubbing against a tree just a few metres away from us. I almost wore out my camera battery during one episode! The 2 year old “white” cub put in a couple of appearances with its sibling & mother. They never came too close, seeming rather timid, whereas some others were as intent on watching us as we were on watching them.

white grizzly cub
Our guides were all excellent - very helpful & friendly, knowledgable & multi talented. The evening interpretive talks in the warmth & comfort of the lounge were very interesting & entertaining, & all of the meals & snacks were first class.

grizzly bear fishing for salmon
Knight Inlet Lodge certainly has our vote for “Top Holiday Destination in the World”. I see previously on the blog that one lucky traveller has visited 3 times - we can’t be outdone & are saving hard for another trip!