Grizzly Bear Viewing Tours at Knight Inlet Lodge, Glendale Cove, BC, Canada

Knight Inlet Lodge host Vital Ground Organization

Knight Inlet Lodge host Vital Ground Organization

30 October  
Knight Inlet Lodge hosts Vital Ground at Shelter Point Distillery

Knight Inlet Lodge hosts Vital Ground at Shelter Point Distillery

Knight Inlet Lodge was pleased to host the Vital Ground Orginization at our lodge from October 12 - 16. A welcome to Vancouver Island  dinner was held for the group at Shelter Point Distillery on the first night. It was our special honor to be the very first function a this brand new and spectacular facility. Catered by Fusilli Grill the evening was a great start to the Vital Ground guests on their wild bear adventure.

A special thank you goes out to host Jay Oddliefson of Shelter Point Distillery and Kelley Lane of Fusilli Grill for making this evening a success.

Knight Inlet Lodge and Vital Ground

Knight Inlet Lodge believes in supporting local companies where possible and to this end we were pleased to serve wines from Beaufort Winery and beer from Surgenor Brewery at our party. To read what the Campbell River Mirror newspaper had to say about the evening click here

Knight Inlet Lodge serves Beaufort Wines

Knight Inlet Lodge serves Beaufort Wines

All photos courtesy of Annette Bergman      Copyright 2010