August 2009

August 2009

Social networking

Those of you who have been on our website within the last few months may have noticed the icons for Facebook, Diggit etc on our main and "stop the hunt" pages. In an effort to make it easier for people to spread the word about our campaign tostop the trophy hunting of grizzly bears in British Columbia we have provided you with a fast and easy way to post our message on your page. Please help us in our fight to "stop the hunt" by doing so and by encouraging your friends and family to post it as well.

Television Premier

February 18 Th saw the premier of "The great Salmon Run" onBBC1. Part of the series "Natures Great Events" this spectacular show was filmed at Knight Inlet Lodge in August of 2008. Congratulations to Producer Jeff turner for a job well done.

Recycling Knight Inlet Lodge style

Knight Inlet Lodge might be the only place in the world that earns air miles for its recycling! While that may be a bit of a stretch the reality is that our remote location, accessible on a regular basis only by floatplane, means that the majority of our recycling is flown out to Campbell River’s recycling center. The pilots at our floatplane provider, Vancouver Island Air, know that an empty passenger plane out of the lodge means that they get to double as a garbage truck on the flight home. While our cans, bottles, plastics and cardboard are all nicely wrapped or in bags this is still not the most popular flight!

Deans rant

I believe that the fight to stop the trophy hunting of grizzly bears on the coast of British Columbia is at a crossroads. The Provincial Government seems not to believe what those of us in the bear viewing industry are telling them. I am personally frustrated that after 14 years of talking about this is issue we are no closer to a solution. On behalf of Knight Inlet Lodge I am asking past and present guests to contact Premier Gordon and Environment Minister Barry directly. Please voice your opposition to the trophy hunting of these magnificent animals. Our government needs to know that this is an International issue that cannot be swept under the rug with a few vague promises or half truths.

Please make your message direct, heartfelt and genuine; they need to hear this in your own words, not by way of a form letter. Money definitely talks so let them know the value of your vacation to British Columbia and the importance of bear viewing in your decision to visit our province. We need your support; this battle cannot be won without your help.

Lighter side

For a light hearted look at our bears in action take a look at this Youtube video. Pay close attention to the timing of the song and the actions of the bears. Our thanks to 2008 Knight Inlet Lodge guest Gareth for sharing his holiday video with us.

Knight Inlet Lodge is pleased to announce that after a long and at times frustrating journey we are the proud owners As both the registered owner of the trademark and as the original grizzly bear viewing lodge in Knight Inlet we have always felt that no one else should be calling themselves Knight Inlet Lodge. The fact that we now have a legal settlement confirming this is of great satisfaction to the Wyatt family and the staff of the lodge.

Glendale Cannery

While Glendale Cove is known worldwide today for high quality Grizzly Bear viewing it was not the first International business to locate there. That claim belongs to a fish cannery that Captain R.E. Goss built in 1910.

Operated off and on for over 40 years it was both a place of work and home to upwards of 200 people at its peak. The workforce was a mixture of cultures including Chinese, Japanese, First Nations and European with many of the workers bringing their families with them for the fishing season. The main cannery building was built over the water on pilings and was just under 36,000 square feet in size. Yearly production of 25,000 – 60,000 cases of Sockeye, Pink and Coho Salmon made the Glendale Cove cannery one of the more profitable ones operated by the Anglo British Columbia Packing Company. Today, except for a few pilings near our lodge site, little sign of this part of Glendale Coves history remains.

In 1923 a detailed survey, including a map of the operation, was undertaken by the British Columbia Fire Underwriters Association. The survey valued the main building, all 36,000 square feet of it, at $20,000.00. To take a look at this fascinating document click here »